To apply for the 2020 iGEM Team, fill out the online application HERE.
Applications due at 11:59pm on Fri 29 Nov.
It is not necessary to have attended one of the two Information Meetings in order to apply; any student who wishes to join the team is invited to apply. If you have questions, please contact [email protected].
If interest in the iGEM Team is oversubscribed, a competitive process will be held to select team members. If necessary, students may be requested to attend an interview. Team membership will be announced in early December.
Students providing Applications are indicating their ability to commit to joining the iGEM Team, including participating in planning meetings in December, weekly meetings in Semester 2, and being in St Andrews for the 10 weeks of the summer research project and Semester 1 of 2019.
Faculty and postgraduates interested in getting involved, please contact Dr V Anne Smith at [email protected].